
The Outreach Committee is tasked with maintaining and improving the relationship between the students of Colorado College and the greater Colorado Springs community. We keep tabs on city government by attending council meetings, speaking with members of council, and attending a variety of community events. We encourage Colorado College students to get involved in the local community in whatever way they see fit, whether it's as an artist, community organizer, member of a faith community or other identity group, athlete, mentor, etc. In this work, we partner closely with the Collaborative for Community Engagement. We are also responsible for maintaining and improving relationships with other student governments in the city and state. To that end, we have led the push to create the Colorado Student Government Coalition, a democratic body made of up student representatives from across the state. Finally, we appoint students to Campus Committees (Curriculum Executive Committee, Budget Committee, etc.). Applications for next year's committees will go out 7th block, so stay tuned!

What we are working on now:
  1. Collaborating, building support networks, and hosting events for student organizers at the Collaboration for Community Engagement and student advocates on all-campus committees. Check out our first semester report outlining the work of student reps on all-campus committees!
  2. Maximizing students’ local impact on the COS Community through encouraging student service on City Boards and Commissions. At the end of the spring semester, we plan on rallying students to purchase supplies/food with their leftover Gold Card $ to donate to the Colorado Springs Rescue Mission or the food pantry.
  3. Increasing voter access through working with community partners (New Era Colorado, All In Voting Challenge, Colorado Elections Youth Advisory Committee, etc). We are currently working to push for the suspension of classes on federal election days at public higher education institutions across Colorado and to establish a Voting Service and Polling Center on CC’s campus.
  4. Connecting CC students with the COS area -  Check out our spreadsheet that highlights opportunities at CC and in the Colorado Springs area, including restaurants (especially BIPOC-owned), voting resources, volunteering opportunities, art, and more!

Check out our Linktree here! We want to hear from you! Contact us with concerns, suggestions, questions, ruminations, project ideas, etc. at m_rehman@bikinganteng.com

Report an issue - Last updated: 01/16/2023