Copyright Information

Did you know CC has a copyright policy? Following the policy helps protect you against copyright violations in content creation and publishing, and also protects your work and rights as an author or creator of images, 艺术, 文档, and other content.

The policy supports CC's core values by encouraging the creation and dissemination of creative and intellectual work by its members. It supports contributions to the world of ideas and civic discourse, while reaffirming the college's commitment to respect intellectual property rights. This policy applies to all faculty, 工作人员, and students.

Please view the full Intellectual Property and Copyright policy.

A few key points include:

  • The creator owns the copyright
  • Rights are determined by contract, which is especially important in collaborative work
  • The college owns the rights in directed and commissioned works
  • Colorado College expects all faculty, 工作人员, and students to make a reasonable effort to comply with copyright laws in their use of copyrighted materials
  • Specific guidelines must be followed in the fair use of copyrighted works for education and re搜索
  • For example, it is a violation of the policy to take a photo from the internet that does not belong to you and post it to our site without permission of the photo's owner

College-owned images

The office of communications maintains a large collection of photos taken over the years. 看到 more information about D.A.M. (Digital Asset Management) system.

Sources for freely licensed images

If D.A.M. doesn't have what you are looking for, you 五月 be able to find and use freely licensed photos online, as long as you are careful to verify that you have the permission of the photo's owner. Many photographers license their photos under a permissive license like Creative Commons, making them available for your use, as long as you follow certain stipulations (like providing attribution so they get credit for the image). Other photos are public domain, meaning they are free from any known copyright protection (for example, many US government-produced photos are in the public domain). Below are a few sources for freely licensed images:

Report an issue - Last updated: 01/19/2024

The Office of Communications and 市场营销 is located on the 4th floor of Spencer Center, at 830 N. Tejon圣.

We can be reached via telephone at 719-389-6603 or via email at communications@​