

对于那些有兴趣在校外工作的人, 以及他们的勤工俭学基金(包括邦纳学生):

校外勤工俭学伙伴信息(来自 学生就业督导手册): There are several off-campus community service organizations who partner with 科罗拉多大学 to provide employment opportunities to students who have work-study as part of their financial aid package. Partner Eligibility There is no restriction as to whether these jobs are located on or off-campus. 校园工作符合社区服务的定义, 前提是这些服务是开放的,可供社会人士使用. 学生雇员提供的服务必须符合公共利益, 这意味着它主要有利于社区,而不是机构或学校.


  • It primarily benefits the members of an organization with members of an organization with membership limits, 比如信用合作社, 兄弟会:兄弟会或宗教团体, 或者合作社;
  • Involves any partisan or nonpartisan political activity or is associated with a faction in an election for public or party office;
  • It is for an elected official unless the official is responsible for the regular administration of federal, 状态, 或者地方政府;
  • 这是任何当选官员的政治助手的工作;
  • 它在招聘时考虑到学生的政治支持或党派关系;
  • 它包括在联邦、州或地方层面进行游说.

对于那些有兴趣在校园举办政治演讲的人, 或者利用校园资源支持活动(任何人):

虽然我们经常在校园里举办政治演讲, 在接待政治候选人方面,有特殊的规定. Failure to abide by these regulations puts our tax-exempt status and federal financial aid at jeopardy; so, 我们遵守这些准则是非常重要的. The 合作促进社区参与 staff are happy to further work with you on any events to ensure they meet these guidelines as we recognize there is great value in active political engagement, 思想的交流, 以及围绕关键政策和倡导问题的讨论. 

以下是成功举办政治活动的选择 国税局 & 选举委员会的指导方针 以及校园活动策划协议:  

  • 作为公共活动向整个校园社区开放  
  • The invited speaker must only speak on specific advocacy issues and in a non-candidate capacity (i.e.(专业或热情的领域)  
  • No mention of the candidate's campaign can be made at any point (including in pre-event advertising, 在活动中, 或者在参与者随访中) 
  • 在介绍活动时必须阅读以下免责声明: 
    • 本次活动由学生组织/系名赞助. The use of 科罗拉多大学 设施 for this event does not constitute an endorsement by the College. The views of those invited to speak on campus are the views of the speaker and not of 科罗拉多大学. 科罗拉多大学 does not endorse or oppose any candidate or organization in connection with this or any other political campaign or election.”
  • 所有校园活动必须由学生组织或校园部门主办.

欲了解更多信息,请访问或阅读以下从 国税局常见问题解答 :

Can a section 501(c)(3) organization invite a political candidate to speak at an organization event for reasons other than his or her candidacy for public office? 

If an organization invites a candidate to speak in a non-candidate capacity, it must ensure that: 

  • 该个人被选中发言,完全不是出于竞选公职的原因; 
  • 个人只能以非候选人的身份发言; 
  • Neither the candidate nor any representative of the organization makes any mention of the individual's candidacy or the election; 
  • 没有与候选人出席有关的竞选活动; 
  • The organization maintains a nonpartisan atmosphere on the premises or 在活动中 where the candidate is present; and 
  • The organization clearly indicates the capacity in which the candidate is appearing and does not mention the individual’s political candidacy or the upcoming election in the communications announcing the candidate’s attendance 在活动中.
Can a section 501(c)(3) organization invite a political candidate to speak at its events without jeopardizing its tax-exempt status? 

If a candidate is invited to speak at an organization event in his or her capacity as a political candidate, 组织必须采取措施确保:

  • It provides an equal opportunity to participate to all political candidates seeking the same office;
  • It does not indicate any support for or opposition to any candidate (including candidate introductions and in communications concerning any candidate’s attendance); and
  • 没有政治筹款活动.


  • 与…共享 斯沃斯莫尔学院:禁止入内, 由法律规定, 禁止为竞选政治职位的候选人背书或提供任何金钱捐助, 货物, 或为候选人提供服务, 包括使用学院设施或任何其他学院资源. 特别是, “遵守法律, 教职员工不得将学院资源用于政治竞选活动, 包括筹集资金, 组织, or otherwise 支持 any outside organization or individual whose purpose is to further the cause of a candidate for public office or a political party. “大学资源”的定义很宽泛,包括, 但不限于, 基金, 供应, 打印机, 手机, 车辆, 设施, 电子邮件网络和电子邮件地址, 和沟通渠道,如学院“列表服务”,如教职员工文摘, 大学社交媒体账户和校园邮件”(改编自 斯沃斯莫尔学院).
  • 根据国内税收法, 501(c)(3)组织不能“参与”, or intervene in (including the publishing or distributing of 状态ments) any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for public office.” The IRC further 状态s that “[c]contributions to political campaign 基金 or public 状态ments of position (verbal or written) made on behalf of the organization in favor of or opposition to any candidate for public office violate the prohibition against political campaign activity.”
  • The consequences of violating this rule include the revocation of an institution’s nonprofit (tax-exempt) status and the imposition of excise taxes on the amount of money spent on the activity. 


  • 与…共享 斯沃斯莫尔学院根据美国国税局, 一般, no organization may qualify for section 501(c)(3) status if a substantial part of its activities is attempting to influence legislation (commonly known as lobbying). 立法包括国会的行动, 任何州立法机构, 任何地方议会, 或者类似的管理机构, 关于行为, 账单, 决议, 或类似项目(如立法机构对任命的确认), 或者由公众投票决定, 投票, 宪法修正案, 或者类似的程序. 然而,它不包括行政、司法或行政机构的行为. 影响立法的例子包括联系, 或敦促公众联系, 议员:为提出建议而立法机构的议员或雇员, 支持, 或者反对立法. Engaging in substantial amounts of lobbying activities may result in a loss of an organization’s tax-exempt status, 额外的申报要求和/或消费税.
  • Organizations may engage in issues of public policy without the activity being considered as lobbying.  例如, 组织可以召开教育会议, 准备和分发教育材料, or otherwise consider public policy issues in an educational manner without jeopardizing its tax-exempt status.

For those wondering about their own personal political activity, and affiliation with the college:

  • 与…共享 斯沃斯莫尔学院:“在校外参加竞选活动时, 教职员工需要注意不要给人留下这样的印象, 甚至无意中, 他们代表或表达学院的观点. If you do decide to share your title or College position while engaging in personal political activity, you should provide a disclaimer that any 状态ments or actions are undertaken in a personal capacity and not on behalf of 斯沃斯莫尔学院. 请注意,当您向某些活动捐款时, you may be required by the campaign to provide your occupation as well as the name of your employer. 这些披露不需要使用免责声明."


  • CC的学生和员工已经建立 CC选票是一个无党派的校园选民教育和参与组织,以支持这些努力. 请联系他们,让他们参与进来.
  • 所有大学社区成员都可以参与无党派选民教育工作.



报告问题 - 最后更新: 08/22/2022